A dense, upright, suckering, deciduous shrub or small tree with a narrow crown, Amelanchier canadensis is grown for its lovely blossom and autumn colour. It bears loose, upright clusters of white, star-shaped flowers in late spring, followed by purplish-black berries, which are edible, although unexciting. The leaves open bronze, turning mid-green, and later red, orange and yellow in autumn, colouring best on acid soils and when cold nights follow warm days. The serviceberry is a good specimen tree for small gardens; can also be grown in a mixed border if its suckering can be kept under control.
Soil: Well drained acid or neutral soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Season of Interest: Spring, Summer, Autumn
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: Up to 15ft (4.5m) Spread: 15-20ft (4.5-6m)